Using OpenEM with Docker

OpenEM Lite image

The OpenEM docker image in version 0.1.3 and upwards has been retooled to be a slimmer image based on NVIDIA’s GPU cloud offerings. The openem_lite image can be used for both training and inference of OpenEM models.

Installing the image

The docker image is provided from dockerhub, and can be installed with:

docker pull cvision/openem_lite:latest

Building the image

  • Follow instructions here to install nvidia-docker.
  • From the openem config directory run the following command:
make openem_lite

Running outside of docker

Versions 0.1.3 and later of OpenEM do not have a hard requirement of using the supplied docker image. It is possible to install the openem deployment library outside of docker.

Legacy Image (with C++ inference library)

The docker image has only been built on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. If you simply want to use the docker image you can get the latest release with:

docker pull cvisionai/openem:latest

Building the image

  • Follow instructions here to install nvidia-docker.
  • From the openem config directory run the following command:
make openem_image

This will generate the dockerfile from the template and execute the build. If not initialized, it will setup any submodules required for the project.

The resulting image will have the OpenEM binary distribution in /openem.