Source code for openem.FindRuler

""" Module for finding ruler masks in raw images """
import numpy as np
import cv2

from openem.models import ImageModel
from openem.models import Preprocessor
from openem.image import crop

[docs]class RulerMaskFinder(ImageModel): """ Class for finding ruler masks from raw images """ preprocessor=Preprocessor(1.0/128.0, np.array([-1,-1,-1]), True) def __init__(self, model_path): super(RulerMaskFinder,self).__init__(model_path, optimize=False)
[docs] def addImage(self, image): """ Add an image to process in the underlying ImageModel after running preprocessing on it specific to this model. image: np.ndarray the underlying image (not pre-processed) to add to the model's current batch """ return self._addImage(image, self.preprocessor)
[docs] def process(self): """ Runs the base ImageModel and does a high-pass filter only allowing matches greater than 127 to make it into the resultant mask Returns the mask of the ruler in the size of the network image, the user must resize to input image if different. """ model_masks = super(RulerMaskFinder,self).process() if model_masks is None: return None mask_images = [] num_masks = model_masks.shape[0] for idx in range(num_masks): # Tensorflow output is 0 to 1 scaled_image = model_masks[idx] * 255 ret, mask_image = cv2.threshold(scaled_image, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) blurred_image = cv2.medianBlur(mask_image,5) mask_images.append(blurred_image) return np.array(mask_images)
[docs]def rulerPresent(image_mask): """ Returns true if a ruler is present in the frame """ return cv2.sumElems(image_mask)[0] > 1000.0
[docs]def rulerEndpoints(image_mask): """ Find the ruler end points given an image mask image_mask: 8-bit single channel image_mask """ image_height = image_mask.shape[0] image_mask = image_mask.astype(np.float64) image_mask /= 255.0 # Find center of rotation of the mask moments = cv2.moments(image_mask) centroid_x = moments['m10'] / moments['m00'] centroid_y = moments['m01'] / moments['m00'] centroid = (centroid_x, centroid_y) # Find the transofrm to translate the image to the # center of the of the ruler center_y = image_mask.shape[0] / 2.0 center_x = image_mask.shape[1] / 2.0 center = (center_x, center_y) diff_x = center_x - centroid_x diff_y = center_y - centroid_y translation=np.array([[1,0,diff_x], [0,1,diff_y], [0,0,1]]) min_moment = float('+inf') best = None best_angle = None for angle in np.linspace(-90,90,181): rotation = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(centroid, float(angle), 1.0) # Matrix needs bottom row added # Warning: cv2 dimensions are width, height not height, width! rotation = np.vstack([rotation, [0,0,1]]) rt_matrix = np.matmul(translation,rotation) rotated = cv2.warpAffine(image_mask, rt_matrix[0:2], (image_mask.shape[1], image_mask.shape[0])) rotated_moments = cv2.moments(rotated) if rotated_moments['mu02'] < min_moment: best_angle = angle min_moment = rotated_moments['mu02'] best = np.copy(rt_matrix) #Now that we have the best rotation, find the endpoints warped = cv2.warpAffine(image_mask, best[0:2], (image_mask.shape[1], image_mask.shape[0])) # Reduce the image down to a 1d line and up convert to 64-bit # float between 0 and 1 col_sum = cv2.reduce(warped,0, cv2.REDUCE_SUM).astype(np.float64) # Find the left/right of masked region in the line vector # Then, knowing its the center of the transformed image # back out the y coordinates in the actual image inversing # the transform above cumulative_sum = np.cumsum(col_sum[0]) # Normalize the cumulative sum from 0 to 1 max_sum=np.max(cumulative_sum) cumulative_sum /= max_sum # Find the left,right indices based on thresholds left_idx = np.searchsorted(cumulative_sum, 0.06, side='left') right_idx = np.searchsorted(cumulative_sum, 0.94, side='right') width = right_idx - left_idx # Add 10% of the ruler width left_idx = left_idx-(width*0.10) right_idx = right_idx+(width*0.10) endpoints=np.array([[[left_idx, image_height / 2], [right_idx, image_height / 2]]]) # Finally inverse the transform to get the actual y coordinates inverse = cv2.invertAffineTransform(best[0:2]) inverse = np.vstack([inverse, [0,0,1]]) return cv2.perspectiveTransform(endpoints, inverse)[0]
[docs]def rectify(image, endpoints): """ Rectifies an image such that the ruler(in endpoints) is flat image: array Represents an image or image mask endpoints: array Represents 2 pair of endpoints for a ruler """ dst = np.array([[image.shape[1]*.1, image.shape[0]/2], [image.shape[1]*.9, image.shape[0]/2]]) rt_matrix,_ = cv2.estimateAffinePartial2D(endpoints, dst) return cv2.warpAffine(image, rt_matrix, (image.shape[1],image.shape[0]))
[docs]def findRoi(image_mask, h_margin): """ Returns the roi of a given mask; with additional padding added both horizontally and vertically based off of h_margin and the underlying aspect ratio. image_mask: array Represents image mask h_margin: int Number of pixels to use """ non_zero=cv2.findNonZero(image_mask) x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(non_zero) aspect = image_mask.shape[0] / image_mask.shape[1] v_margin = h_margin * aspect # Add margin margined_roi=np.zeros(4) margined_roi[0] = x - h_margin margined_roi[1] = y - v_margin margined_roi[2] = w + (h_margin*2) margined_roi[3] = h + (v_margin*2) # constrain to image dims margined_roi[0] = max(margined_roi[0], 0) margined_roi[1] = max(margined_roi[1], 0) if margined_roi[0] + margined_roi[2] > image_mask.shape[1]: margined_roi[2] = image_mask.shape[1] - margined_roi[0] if margined_roi[1] + margined_roi[3] > image_mask.shape[0]: margined_roi[3] = image_mask.shape[0] - margined_roi[1] return (margined_roi[0], margined_roi[1], margined_roi[2],margined_roi[3])